Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bold Over

Today in my History of Hollywood Films class a girl next to me was eating out of a giant bag of “Bold Party Blend” Chex Mix. There were so many things wrong with the situation- I’ll try and narrow it down. She was unable to chew in a socially acceptable manner. The open mouthed mastication only fueled the bigger problem of the Bold Party Blend, which was the smell. I’m sure you’re familiar with the smell of Chex mix- however this was no ordinary Chex Mix.              
This was Bold Party Blend. And bold it was, as the added flavors are both garlic and onion. I haven’t tasted this mix yet, and I’m sure its something that wouldn’t have bothered me if I had asked her for a taste.  But I didn’t have the chance to taste it. I was hit with a wave of salty, buttery, urine, garlic, onion stink- and that was just the bag opening. It wasn’t until she began chomping down on her movie treat that I got the full effect of the party blend. Adding her saliva’s moisture made the smell so heavy. I’m pretty sure my eyes were watering at one point. It was quite a snack for the both of us. I bet she’s still burping it up.
Apart from that, today was nice. I’ve been a little sore from the massive work out yesterday, and for some reason my left butt-cheek has been paining me more than anything else. Just the left. Who knows, maybe my right cheek gets more of a regular workout.
I’ve been getting a lot of texts recently from numbers I don’t recognize, so if you’re one of them and I haven’t gotten back to you, sorry. I’m also always hesitant to answer a phone call from an unknown number because I’m always anticipating the worst person imaginable to wind up telling me the worst news.         
Cell phones are a disaster. Our generation has grown so lazy with our attempt at the English language that we have become unable to understand each other’s writing. Texting has become a sick, twisted game of misinterpretation.

That goes out to all you iphone users. I think that during this blog I developed a virus on my computer, and I think it was around the time where I did a Google image search for Anne Hathaway as cat woman. Now every time I try to go to a website I’m redirected to a really poorly put together gossip page. Nonetheless, it was worth it.

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