So tonight I am reinstating my sought after literature with a short blog to let all of my readers know that I am alive and well. Sorry I haven't written in so long... Sorry I'm not sorry. 

I can offer some advice tonight, which I am sure many of you will find 5 years too late. If you are going to eat Burger King's tacos, please under no circumstances consume more than two of them. I know that Taco Bell has a reputation for leaving the bowels burned asunder, but I have never had a bad taco experience until tonight. Long story short, my mind was hungry, my body was not. I ordered 4 Burger King tacos and ate them all. Then 10 hours later...
As Adele would say... "There's a fire..."
I am going to attempt to write about something other than pooping in this blog- because I know that while my family members all enjoys discussing our... Alright. New subject.
I have been spending this summer relaxing at home, working at the funeral home and spending some quality time with my family. My brother, Eric (for those who have forgotten) is spending the summer living in his apartment at school. He's employed as a manager of a group of house painters, because apparently you can get promoted to a manager in three weeks time in that sort of industry. No offense, Eric. I'm proud of you, buddy. Maybe you can finally paint the front door with all your experience. It's covered in scuff marks from all the times I kick the door open to get in the house as quickly as possible to avoid being mauled by June-bugs.
I also had the privlege of going on a vacation early in the summer with my friend Danny and his mom. Spending a week at Fort Meyers beach was a true vacation, mainly because of the beaches and the alcohol. It was a more accurate definition of a vacation than past trips I've been on. One of many highlights was watching overweight, elderly women picking up sea shells on the beach at sunset with their gopher-grabbers.
After the romp in Florida, I had the chance to visit my old High School and help clean out the costume closet in order to make room for some renovations in the building. The costume closet consisted of nearly 5 decades of old rotting clothing with a few gems mixed in. After working for over 24 hours that weekend, we accomplished the cleaning goal with mild organization, a dumpster filled with useless costumes, and diseases that don't have names yet. It was wonderful.
So here's to you, Summer 2011. I've got a lot of stories that need some Microsoft Paint images to solidify their memory in my mind... so you, my dear reader, are in luck.
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